Your TV News background is the KEY to a remote job... just have to explain why.

I’ve recently updated my Remote Job Databases List with two more databases! Check it out and if you come across any others I should add, let me know.

-Sara Kobilka, Renaissance Woman Consulting
Renaissance Woman Consulting Logo with a brain lit up in both hemispheres and multi-colored circles orbiting around it.

Searching for remote work isn’t easy

There’s no way around it, competition for remote work is fierce! Remote positions receive hundreds, even thousands of applicants. Looking at those numbers may give you a sense of hopelessness, especially if you’re trying to make two simultaneous transitions: from one industry (like TV news) into another AND from in-person work to remote.

But you’ve got a critical attribute that can help you stand out! Your experience in TV news is unlike ANYTHING other candidates bring to the table.

  • First, you have the novelty angle. Unless your potential employer previously worked in the biz, most people have no idea how TV news works and they have an insatiable curiosity to peek behind the curtain. Tell stories of how you survived and thrived on your wildest adventures/weirdest shifts and they won’t forget you.

  • Second, you know how to catch people’s attention and make them listen. You’ve pitched stories, written headlines and come up with teases. You’re a professional communicator and a seasoned storyteller. You can find the essence of any story and make it speak to your audience.

Now you need to turn that lens on yourself and tell your own story. A company or organization with an open remote position will be lucky to have you on their team. You just need to help them realize this fact.

Hi! I’m Sara Kobilka, owner of Renaissance Woman Consulting.

I am a Renaissance Woman and part of my wide-ranging background includes time as a TV meteorologist/reporter. I know how valuable the skills I gained during that time have been for the many jobs I’ve had since then. Now, I work remotely with clients (including many current and former journalists) to help them confidently tell their story and navigate the transition to their next opportunity.

How to work with me this year: